About the Global Food Summit
Nature Reloaded – Implement Novel Food Technologies
With new technologies in food production, we can ensure sufficient and balanced nutrition for 10 billion people and at the same time contribute to the preservation of our livelihoods. We already have the solutions for sustainable and efficient food production: precision fermentation, cell cultivation, indoor farming, aquaculture and genome editing.
Welcome to a new food era.
Share Knowledge Globally – Understanding progress
The Global Food Summit brings ideas and people together – and both into the socio-political dialogue. This includes the transfer of science and knowledge to a broad public. Because understanding progress is the basis for change. In a modern knowledge society, we need not only technical innovations but also impulses for social and cultural change. This is the only way we will achieve the 2030 sustainability goals and security of supply with affordable food with sustainable food systems.
Enhance Production Regionally – Unleash the power of the future
The prerequisite for change is curiosity and the willingness to see change not as a threat but as an opportunity. Anyone who wants a positive, sustainable future must actively shape it now. We are a platform for international dialogue in the agricultural and food industry. Experts, decision-makers from politics and science as well as representatives from companies, start-ups, international organisations and associations regularly meet here. The Global Food Summit is a powerful initiator for shaping the future of food systems together:
- A monthly theme-based online programme “Sci-Cress” (Scientific Congresses) in TV quality
- A large annual live congress in the Alte Kongresshalle Munich and in the Villa Wagner with international live transmission in TV quality.
- With partner countries prominently presenting their research and products
- With an informal get-together at the highest level between politics, science, international organisations and companies
- With exhibition areas for start-ups or institutions, both as a virtual trade fair and live on site.
- With international press relations and video productions
The Global Food Summit is the place where ideas are exchanged and ground-breaking changes are initiated. After all, food is at the forefront of technological and social change. The scalability of novel food production is the task for the next decade. We want to unleash this power of the future.

Are you a start-up, a company, an organisation, an association, a university, a political institution, an NGO or simply interested?
Talk to us about how you can take part in the Global Food Summit. As a guest and listener, as a speaker, as an exhibitor or as a partner and sponsor. The possibilities are manifold – become active.
Now is the time to play an active role. Those who don’t get involved have to live with what others decide. Become a partner and help shape the Global Food Summit – set topics and be heard. Let’s make our future fit for grandchildren together.